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Blue fire

To go up here we got up at 2 this morning. Then 4 hours of climbing in the cool tropical night, following in the footsteps of the guide and the light of the torches. 

This is the caldera of the Ijen volcano in East Java. The Ijen Volcano Complex is a group of volcanoes in the eastern part of Java Island, Indonesia. It is known for its blue fire, acidic volcanic lake, and labor-intensive sulfur mining.

Since National Geographic mentioned Ijen's electric blue flame, the number of tourists has increased. The phenomenon has long been known, but midnight hikes are a more recent offering. A three-hour hike is required to reach the crater rim, followed by a 45-minute hike to the crater's shore.

Blue fire is inflamed sulfuric gas, which emerges from cracks at temperatures up to 600 ° C. The flames can be up to five meters high. Part of the gas condenses into liquid and is still ignited.

Ijen is the largest blue flame area in the world. Locals call it Api Biru (Blue Fire). 

